When your water heater stops producing hot water, you might wonder if you should immediately call for professional repairs, or if there are tasks you can try on your own to resolve the issue. Some troubleshooting tasks you can try include:

  • Check the pilot light to see if it is still lit
  • Check the circuit breaker to see if it was tripped
  • Check the system’s thermostat to see what temperature it is set at

If these tips do not resolve the issue, then you need to call our experts at S.D.H. Plumbing & Heating.

If your water pressure is lower than usual, it can indicate you have a plumbing problem that needs to be repaired. Some potential causes for low water pressure are:

  • There are too many plumbing fixtures running at the same time.
  • There are faulty fixtures, like showerheads or faucets.
  • There is a broken pressure regulator. This is meant to stabilize the water pressure in your home.
  • There are closed valves that are preventing your water supply from traveling through them.
  • There are clogged pipes disrupting the water flow through the pipes.

If you are running out of hot water quickly, this can be due to several reasons, including:

  • Multiple appliances are using hot water at the same time.
  • There is sediment building up in the unit.
  • The dip tube is broken. This allows cold water to move to the bottom of the tank to be heated.
  • Your water heater is nearing the end of its lifespan.
  • Your unit’s thermostat is not working properly.

When replacing your aging water heater, the biggest decision you need to make is what type of system to purchase. The most common type of water heater is a conventional storage water heater. These hold between 20 and 80 gallons and release hot water from the top of the tank. These provide you with a reservoir of hot water to use for household usage.

If your kitchen faucet is leaking, there are tasks you can perform to avoid these issues. For one, you should check your water pressure to ensure it’s at the right level. If you have signs of hard water, you should also consider installing a water softener.
You should also schedule regular maintenance visits with an expert. They will be able to determine if you need to replace your unit before it malfunctions.

When you schedule a bathroom remodel at your house, it’s essential to know what you can expect during the project. Our plumbers recommend asking key questions about the project, including:

  • Do I need a permit for the bathroom renovation?
  • What is the timeline for the project?
  • What are some popular design trends I should consider?
  • What are the best fixtures and solutions for my space?
  • How can I make my bathroom more energy-efficient?
  • How long do bathroom fixtures typically take?

When you need plumbing maintenance or heater repairs, call S.D.H. Plumbing & Heating at 617-304-8890 for appointments in Middlesex County. We are a family-owned and operated company.