Heater Repair in Waltham, MA

When your heater malfunctions or you need maintenance services, call S.D.H. Plumbing & Heating at 617-304-8890 for heating services in Middlesex & Norfolk Counties.

Does your heater need repairs or an annual tune-up? It’s essential to schedule services immediately with a heat repair company to prevent your unit from malfunctioning, leaving you and your family out in the cold. Call our technicians at S.D.H. Plumbing & Heating when you need heater maintenance, heater tune-ups, or repairs in Waltham, MA. We offer same-day services to our customers in Eastern Massachusetts.

Does your heater need to be replaced? Call our experts for heater installation services.

Heater Making Noises? Here’s What To Do!

If your heater starts making strange noises, it can understandably cause anxiety. However, while it can be worrisome, it might also be normal. Heating systems make a lot of different sounds. You shouldn’t worry unless your system starts to make sounds that you haven’t heard before. If this happens, you should have your system inspected.

If you hear vibrations, it can signal a restricted fan. Other sounds you might hear are rattles, squeaks, humming, or loud booms and bangs. These can indicate there’s a larger problem with your system and it needs to be inspected.

When this happens, call S.D.H. Plumbing & Heating – the top local heating repair service company – for appointments.